It's a bird, it's a plane...

So my biscotti man and I caught a showing of Superman Returns last night and I have to say I haven't been this giddy about a movie since I saw Return of the Jedi with my dad, way back when. When that music came on (thank you Brian Singer for keeping the feel of the old Superman movies), I was vibrating with excitement.
For a movie that so easily could have disappointed a few generations of fans who remeber every nuance and detail of the Christopher Reeves versions, this movie does not disappoint. Brandon Routh has got to be the defenition of divine casting. He stayed so true to the original concept of Superman that Reeves had built, while inserting his own personality into the character. Doesn't hurt that his is yummy as all get out.
Both biscotti man and I agreed that everything about this movie was great, including the subtle changes to Lois & Lex brought on by Kate Bosworth and Kevin Spacey. Now we just have to decide if we are going to be able to wait until next weekend to go see it again. And I won't give it away, but the surprise in the movie was THE BEST!!!
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