Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Update II aka...Why There Ain't No Baby Yet!

My best intentions to update this blog got sidetracked by life…namely me getting food poisoning from my Valentine's dinner. Went for sushi with the hubby and had a fabulous night, just didn't expect to pay for it for a week afterwards. This is the second time I've gotten food poisoning in a year and I really hope that is the last of it for a very, very, very long while.

Sooooo….part two of the update is really centered on one thing…why I haven't been able to get pregnant thus far. We had been trying for about three years, but with no real commitment to pursuing it heavily as I was still finishing university. I finally graduated in May of 2008 and we decided we really had to start concentrating on why I hadn’t fallen pregnant after all of this time. I hadn’t really gotten serious about it because like everyone before infertility strikes, I had assumed that I’d be able to easily get pregnant. Obviously that wasn’t the case. The last time I wrote about it I was hoping it was something minor that would be easily fixable. Maybe a pill or some nice relaxing massages...hahaha. Well life really isn't that kind. At least mine isn't. The specialist my doctor sent me to was really nice and put me through a battery of tests which ended with a hydrosalpingogram (HSG) which is a fun little X-Ray test where they shoot dye into your uterus and watch it's progression out of your fallopian tubes. It is designed to determine if there are any blockages in the fallopian tubes that may hinder conception.

As it turns out I seem to have won the 'fallopian suckage lotto' because my results came back with a big fat FAIL. Turns out I had bi-lateral hydrosalpinges, which meant that my fallopian tubes were scarred, blocked and just a big ol' mess. Both of them...and with no indication as to why this had occured. The day that I got the news back from my doctor has probably got to be the most heartbroken I have ever been in my whole life. I had to sit down on the sidewalk outside the doctor’s office because I was balling so hard, while I told my husband the prognosis over the phone with people wondering if I was going to need to be hauled off by mental health workers. I was devastated to say the least. When I had asked the doctor what my chance of conceiving naturally was, she just shook her head. I kept throwing lower and lower percentage odds at her and she just kept shaking her head. She said for me to be able to conceive naturally would be a miracle.

So the next step was to determine what to do. Our only option was (and is) invitro fertilization (IVF). Since there was fluid in my wrecked fallopian tubes which is thought to be embryo-toxic, the doctor also advised, that it would be a good idea for me to have my fallopian tubes removed. While I was waiting the five months for my surgery date, the doctor sent me off to a well know local fertility clinic to have a consultation about IVF. Wow…all I can say is private medicine in Canada is purdy! I have never been in a doctor’s office which was so nice looking. We were seen within two minutes of the scheduled appointment...no waiting. And all my charts and info were located on the doctor’s computer, so when we went in for a consultation he was able to show me my HSG X-Ray results off the computer screen. Neat!

So we got all the information about timing, statistics, pricing and such and then went into a holding pattern. Our trip to Mexico was scheduled for September, a much needed break in the midst of all of this crap. Although I really could have smacked the dozens of people who said “Oh you guys will get pregnant from this vacation…all you need to do is relax”. At the time I wasn’t being very forthcoming about our infertility battles so I laughed off all but the most annoying, although I have to admit a couple of times I just lost it and snarkilly replied “Yah…I don’t think so…my fallopian tubes are ruined”. That’ll shut a person up right quick.

Mexico was fantastic and just the break we needed. We went first class all the way and I don’t regret it at all, even with the expenses we are now covering for fertility treatment. We needed this vacation to regroup before the hard stuff started. My surgery happened a month after we got back. I had laparoscopic surgery to remove both of my fallopian tubes – the doctor had said they were going in to determine if they were fixable but would remove them if they weren’t – and recovery was somewhat painful but pretty quick considering. After surgery was complete the doctor advised me that she was very pleased with the condition of my ovaries, which seemed to not have suffered any ill affects from whatever killed my fallopian tubes. Further testing by the doctor at the fertility clinics advised me that my uterus was in good condition as well.

So in December, we made the final decision to proceed with IVF. We contacted the doctors at the fertility clinic and started proceeding with everything at the beginning of February 2009. I started birth control pills (BCP) in mid February and started Lupron injections – Lupron is a pituitary suppressant – at the end of February. And that is our journey so far in a nutshell.

Friday, February 13, 2009

What's Been Happening Since I Last Blogged - Part I

Yes, you read correctly, there are going to be more than one part to my playing catch up on my blog. I really think I should give up, but then a little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me not to give up, that I have something to say…a fact which most of my friends would agree with readily. I have also found so much inspiration from a certain group of bloggers, which I will explain in a bit.

So, the last time I wrote, I had lost twenty pounds, was heading to Mexico, applying for law school and was trying to figure out why I hadn't been able to conceive in three + years. Nine months can make a lot and absolutely no difference at all. Don't worry I will explain what I mean by that.

First off…going gluten free, still one of the best things I have ever done. All in all, in just over a year I have lost 55 pounds and am slowly but surely losing about four pounds a month naturally. I hope to lose approximately another twenty pounds and I will be very happy. Some of it has been my return to an active lifestyle, going to the gym, doing yoga and pretty much being more motivated to move than I have in a long while. Mostly though, this change in my body and how I feel about myself, has come about from changing my diet. After realizing that there is wheat in practically all processed foods, I have been eating a more natural, healthy diet. We try and buy organic where possible and due to a stomach issue we found with my DH last year, we also quit eating red meat. While he cannot eat it at all, I do sometimes give in, but have really restricted myself to game meats like venison or moose. I've worked at not replacing my previous gluten filled foods with gluten free versions since I really don't need cookies or bread, but being an ex-pastry chef, the DH has provided me a few great loaves of gluten free bread which I dole out from the freezer quite sparingly. Don't really miss it all that much!

Along with all the weight loss, I was able to fulfill one of my fondest wishes and wore exclusively two piece bathing suits during our vacation to Mexico. Having lost weight with me, DH was also in great condition and we have photos of our trip that I am actually happy to show other people. I will post some in a later post. We spent the whole time immersed in water and alcohol, eating our faces off and climbing pyramids…a long-time wish of the DH. The resort we went to, The Grand Palladium Riviera Maya, is located on beachfront property and consists of five resorts in one, one of those being the Royal Suites Yucatan, the area that we stayed in. We were treated so well, royally even, with golf carts to drive our lazy butts everywhere we wanted to go, restaurants and bars which catered to just our section, and access to better booze and services throughout the property. I got to work on my archery at their archery range there, spent time using some of the included areas of the Spa and for my birthday, which occurred while we were there, we got a couple's massage. We enjoyed the ability to get a massage together (the DH's very first massage ever) that we have promised that twice a year, for each of our birthdays which are conveniently six months apart, we will get a couple's massage wherever we are be it on vacation or in town. We couldn't have asked for a better vacation and were so impressed with the place that we will definitely be going back in the future. Just not sure quite when.

So this is where I am going to end this post. I promise pictures and Part II will follow soon.

Friday, April 25, 2008

What ever happened to manners?

For the most part I don't like writing about work. You never know who might be reading this and I'd like to keep my job...at least until I start school again next year. However, today I almost lost it on some of my co-workers for a startling lack of manners. The other day our office hosted some clients for an event. As they are pretty big clients and we were hosting them for a daylong event, we of course provided lunch and snacks throughout the day. Our buffet was set up outside the meeting room that they were in, in our administrative area. While there are only two people working in the area, it is an area that is passed through by many staff during the day. I had to stop five...count them, five people from attempting to grab food from the table before and during the meetings. Ummm....hello!!!! Who raised you people? Now of course we do let the staff at the food AFTER clients have left, but it is always moved into the staffroom before we let them at it. But in these cases, they brazenly started picking through, even lifting the covers off of the trays and essentially unpacking items that hadn't yet been opened. If my mother had been here, they would have all been spanked. It is common sense for me to not touch anything until I have been given the go ahead. That means dinner at other people's houses and business meetings. Same etiquette applies to pretty much everything. I thought it was standard for people to teach their kids etiquette and proper manners because my parents were very careful and insistent on instilling me with good manners. If I went over to someone's house it was always "please" and "thank you" and I wouldn't grab even a glass of tap water without asking permission from my host.

I just wonder when people stopped teaching their kids manners. Was it a generational thing? It seems like everytime I am confronted with a lack of manners it comes mainly from two generational groups, those that are a generation before me (baby boomers) and a couple of generations after me (Millenials) have missed the manners lessons. However, this lack of manners really applies across the board and my generalizations about specific generations are just that. I have observed more people from those two groups but it isn't always the case. A decade ago when I moved in with DH a group of friends offered to grab my stuff and move me. I was very grateful as this was a time in our lives when we were living on a very strict budget. As a thank you I put on a really nice steak dinner for everyone that evening and kept them plied with alcohol. Since our budget was so tight we were only able to purchase exactly what we needed to feed our friends. I had potatoes in the oven baking (just enough to feed everyone) when the boyfriend of one of my friends casually strolled into my kitchen, opened the oven, removed a mostly cooked potatoe and started eating it. I was so stunned I just stood there, mouth agape, for a few minutes. Then to my utter amazement he started tearing out a page from the magazine he was reading....my magazine. Now granted it wasn't anything particularly expensive, but holy cow! A that moment I did something that solidified my reputation as the chick you don't want to piss off or mess with and I kicked him out of my house. I explained to him that in my home the very minimum of manners was required and he had pretty much offended the hell out of me. As he was only the boyfriend of a friend and hadn't really even helped (took a few lamps from the driveway into the house) I didn't feel really guilty. He looked a little stunned. Had it been only one instance I could have lived with it but the sheer lack of manners shown in a five minute period was more than I could handle. These days I'd likely have given him heck and allowed him to stay...but as it turns out it was a good idea that I sent him packing. Guy turned out to be a huge L-O-S-E-R...he pushed around and hit my friend not two weeks later when she discovered his illicit mini-grow op in their spare room (what she thought was just his office/workout room.

Okay...so now that I am pretty sure I have taken this in an odd direction, I digress. But I beg of anyone reading this...if you have or are having kids, please teach them manners cuz if they run into me it ain't going to be pretty!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Life, why do you vex me so???

So this whole specialist thing has not gotten to quite the auspicious start I had hoped for. Not really anything bad, just slightly annoying. Although in the past few months I have already given enough blood and other assorted liquids to create a whole new human being, the specialist needs some more blood tests before my upcoming appointment in May. Okay…bleed me dry if need be, all I care about is knowing what's up. So, since I neither live nor work in the area that the specialist is in, I took some time off work to go to her office and pick up the paperwork request for my blood test. Figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and get my blood work done in the lab downstairs from her office. I even phoned the office ahead of time to ask them to check the request to see if the blood work I needed to get done required me to fast overnight before I went in. The answer was NO so I made the arrangement and went up there in the morning intending to pick up the form, get the blood work done and then start my work day. So I get to the office and a very nice woman at reception directed me to the lady beside her who had all the paperwork. After finishing her cruller (damn I miss donuts sometimes) she flipped through her file folder looking for my sheet…asking me three times to repeat my last name. When she finally got the form, she handed it to me and said "Okay, so you'll have to get this blood test done on Day 21 of your cycle or if it falls on a Sunday, the closest day after that the labs are open", ending it with a bright smile. And there I am on the other side of the counter dumbfounded. Day 21???? I'm currently on Day 4 of my cycle. Could you possibly have told me this on any of the occasions which I spoke to you on the phone (all four of them)?? A quick "no you don't need to fast but you do need to complete it on Day 21 of your cycle" would have been great! So instead I took part of a day off, woke up extra early so I wouldn't miss too much work, went to a completely different side of town than I needed to be in (which the DH could have easily gone by in his travels and picked up the form for me) all so I could be informed that I couldn't even take the blood test that day. SERENITY NOW! As stress is not good for those trying to conceive, I smiled politely, thanked her and walked out of the office, sweetly imagining all the nasty things that I hoped happened to her for the rest of the day. The visuals I came up with were almost worth it! If this is the biggest bump in the road, heck I'll take it. But I suspect not. Guess we'll see. Definitely hope her employer is a little more with it otherwise I am screwed!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm Baaack!

It's been almost a full year since I posted anything. I've often started writing a post in my head while on the bus or reading something for school, but every time I started thinking about typing out my thoughts, something always came up. My priorities have rested with finishing my undergraduate degree as fast and as well as possible, so until now I decided not to beat myself up about abandoning my blog.

Yesterday at 6:10 pm I walked out of my very last undergraduate exam. I am now done. Nothing left for me to do but wait patiently for the mailman (or woman or transgendered mail-person) to drop that all important letter through my mail slot which will advise me that I am sufficiently edu-macated and will be awarded a neat-o looking piece of paper which backs up that claim! What I can do with my lovely degree in English literature is pretty much nothing…on its own that is. I will be taking a year to breathe and fill out applications so that in September 2009 I will start law school in Vancouver with the hopes of suing people for infringing trademarks and copyrights. If you need a good Intellectual Property lawyer in about four or five years look me up.

So for the first time in a few years, my life is sorta going to be my own. I say 'sorta' because the next four weekends have been claimed by parents and various friends who have been trying to get me out of the house and away from my books and computers for a while now. I have a few shopping days already booked, mostly to go shopping at the various farm markets and specialty shops in and around Vancouver and am hoping to see something resembling a beach at least a few times over the summer months. I am also hoping to finally complete a novel I have had sitting on my computer only partially finished for the last few years. I keep adding notes to it when ideas strike but I haven't actually committed more than a half hour to writing in over two years. The story is still there and still raring to get out so I'm hoping to get it out of my system and see what the world thinks.

However, my biggest project by far that I will be working on this summer is trying to get pregnant. Now this may not seem like a hard thing to do (and no I do not require diagrams) but as it turns out, for me nothing is ever easy. I am suffering from what my doctors are currently calling Unexplained Infertility. Since I am only really just starting to get anywhere in the testing process I'm not yet truly infertile. To explain this I'll have to give you a little background.

The DH and I decided in November of 2005 that I should go off of birth-control in hopes of starting a family. I was all revved up to be pregnant within months and mothering a child in late 2006 or early 2007. But month after month my period would come like a timely little trouper, to advise me that it hadn't happened for me. While I was in the thick of school I really couldn’t concentrate on it much so this went on for about a year and a bit before I started to get a little worried. There were so many things that could have been (and may still be) contributing to my inability to conceive including the ongoing stress from being in school and working full-time, being over thirty and being overweight, so I wasn't as freaked about it as I would eventually get.

The thing is I have conceived in the past. A few years before I met the DH I got pregnant accidentally while in a long-term relationship. Nature intervened and I miscarried a couple of months into the pregnancy. I think Fate was looking out for me because looking back on it, having a child with that boyfriend would have been the worst possible thing that could have ever happened to me. So what we know is that I can get pregnant, so the question is why am I not now?

Last summer, with the end of this round of schooling in sight, I decided to really focus on what was going on with my body and start working towards a plan of action. I started taking my basal temperature every morning, started using ovulation predictor kits and as the DH would not unhappily report we were doing it like rabbits. And….NOTHING! After a year and a half of trying this was starting to get a little disheartening then September and October 2007 hit and my emotions went a little sideways when three of my friends became pregnant within a month of each other. While I was ecstatic for each and every one of them (and I know they're all going to make great moms!) a little piece of me died inside every time I got one of those happy calls. After the last one I finally did what I had promised myself I wouldn't do. I went into a private dark corner and cried…a lot. And I've cried a few times since then too. The Dixie Chicks have a song called "So Hard" which was written by the two sisters that are not Natalie Maine (sorry can't remember their names) who both experienced similar difficulties with trying to conceive. There are a few lines in that song which can explain the way I feel better than I ever could:

It felt like a given
Something a woman's born to do
A natural ambition
To see a reflection of me and you
And I'd feel so guilty
If that was a gift I couldn't give
And could you be happy
If life wasn't how we pictured it

Now like any Type A person, a group in which I am firmly planted, I had my functional little breakdown and started looking at alternative reasons why this might be happening. While I still don't have any answers a few really positive things have come out of my search. First of all, I discovered that I am gluten intolerant. My body does not like wheat, rye, triticale, barley or anything that they are found in. This includes soya sauce (a devastating discovery for an Asian girl), pretty much any kind of processed meat or sausage and even certain types of body lotions which contain wheat/bran oil as an ingredient ~ a fact I found out ever so itchily and painfully one evening. I've pretty much had to change my whole diet and am a compulsive label reader these days. What used to be a half hour shopping trip to Costco has now turned into a two hour adventure while I pour over ingredients lists and cross reference anything that I am not sure of. Thank God for Blackberries with the internet and Wifi. I feel a million times better and realized that it wasn't natural that I was having stomach cramps every single day (stupid parents told me for years that I had a 'nervous stomach'!
This change has assisted me in the second positive thing. I have easily and naturally lost just over twenty-pounds in under six months by changing my diet alone. Now that I am not studying and working insane hours, exercise will be added to the mix very shortly and I hope to see much more weight lost over the course of the summer. This weight loss will hopefully result in my ability to wear a two piece bathing suit by September when the DH and I will be jetting off to a luxury vacation in Mexico (more on that later) another of the things we are doing in an effort to de-stress my life and give me a better chance of getting pregnant.

While these are the things I can and am doing to make the process easier, it has also been determined that it was time that we started to see a specialist. After all our blood work and other such testing was done, the doctors couldn't find a good reason that I wasn't conceiving so they referred me to a specialist who I will be seeing at the beginning of May. My best guess - and this is only a slightly educated guess - is that I am not ovulating regularly. I believe I am ovulating…but not every month. So if my chances at my age of conceiving under normal circumstances are 25% then think how low that percentage goes if I'm not ovulating regularly. But this will be up to the doctor to determine.

So I guess what I've been trying to say in the most longwinded way possible is that for now the focus of this blog is going to be changing. I'll still post my thoughts on pretty much anything and everything, but you'll start seeing a whole lot more of the posts chronicling my journey to get knocked up! Wish me luck!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Non Talking Head

Lately I have felt like I have a real lack of anything to say. Nothing really interesting has happened at work, school just started again, and home life has been pretty quiet these days. I love the idea of blogging, but I question whether I am doing this for myself as a form of journaling or if I am intending that others really read this. The only person within my immediate family or circle of friends that reads this is my husband, and heck he knows everything before it goes in here anyways. I am hesitant to tell friends and family about this blog, because I don't want to have to watch what I say, since this is a forum where I can rant about my life. I don't know, I guess I just feel blah about the whole exercise and somewhat guilty as I didn't even make it four months into my resolution to blog weekly. Maybe some sleep and some rest this weekend will give me new vigour

On that note, I am really looking forward to this weekend. We are going to Eat Vancouver at BC Place Stadium and then Monday night we are going to see The Police. OK, I'm really, really excited about that.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ask Me Anything

I had so much fun completting the last post that I have decided to open this up a little. I am going to endeavor to answer any question you would like to pose. They can be questions about me or about just about anything. Only one rule, please keep it in good taste, that is all I ask for. Leave a question in the comments section and I'll answer it in upcoming posts uner the same title.


Interview Me

So Jen at Diary of a Loser recently got tagged with an online interview, and has spread the love out my way (at my request). The questions are thoughtful and interesting so I am more than game to have a go at them.

1.) Tell me about your favorite trip and why is it your favorite.
Wow this is a hard one. I have been very lucky to be able to travel a lot through my lifetime. My parents had me fairly late in their life, so by the time I was in their lives, they were pretty set up and I received the advantages of that. I've traveled throughout Asia and North America. I got to see the beautiful glaciers in Alaska when I was fifteen and the Harajuku district of Japan before Gwen Stefani made it an international hot spot. However, by far, my favourite trip would have to be my honeymoon trip to Italy. While the transport to and from Europe would have to be amongst the worst plane trips I have had to endure (ten hours beside a gargantuan, snoring, Italian grandmother is not my idea of fun), the rest of the trip made any other hardships worth it. Since my husband was born in Italy, he still has 95% of his family in the old country. We never once had to stay at a hotel and were welcomed everywhere we went which made a substantial difference in our trip. Being able to have that local view of the country really made a difference in our experience. We went to markets and festivals we would have never come upon. We visited abandoned archeological sites minutes away from where we stayed. I learned to chop wood, care for chickens, collect eggs and cook Itlian food, much of which I had never been exposed to as a city girl. When we needed time alone they gave it to us and when we had to figure out how to make arrangements to get here or there, the whole family made it their project. I got to see my husband be a hero (more on that later) by pushing his cousins to take the first step in fixing a family argument which had torn apart their parents (Ben's mother and her siblings) for almost a decade, an act that literally changed his widowed grandfathers outlook on life. And this trip was the best bonding exercise to solidify our marriage and the new family it had created as we worked together to navigate our way through areas we had both never been before and get through the tough stuff along the way.

2.) How did you and Ben meet and did you know right away you guys would marry one day?
Ben and I met through a common friend, Roxanne. Ben is a lower leg amputee and Roxanne had her arm amputated at the shoulder after a childhood battle with cancer. They met through the War Amputees of Canada's child amputee program and were longtime friends by the time I met Roxanne in my college theatre class. A few years after I had met Roxanne, I was invited to a dinner party she was holding with her roomate and a few of her friends. I came along with my then fiance, who we shall refer to as the dud. Back in those days I was still smoking, as was Ben who was also a guest, and since we were the only two smoking that night, we ended up on the back porch yakking and smoking for a majority of the party. The dud attempted to keep up with our conversation, but lets just say, he was intellectually a few paces behind our conversation that evening, and eventually left us to our conversation. Now that I think about it, it was probably the beginning of the end for that relationship, but it took two years for us to drag it out to the end after that. I left that night having made a new friend who I would inquire about, but never saw for a couple years after. Then almost two years to the day from the day we had met, we were both invited by Roxanne to a party at her place. By now, the dud and I had split and Ben was also single. When we met up at the party it was as if no time had passed. We spent hours talking again, but never really went anywhere with it, except to say that we should hook up and grab coffee "one of these days".

So this will start to answer part two of this question. While I thought he was cute, I had only broken up with the dud a few months previous to this night and was in the "I don't want the headache of a boyfriend" headspace. But he was so cool to talk to that I wanted to hang out with him again. So I started inviting him to hang out with our friends, and in this way I guess we started dating in a really guarded way. We went to parties, out for coffee and out to do all manner of stupid fun stuff, for about a month before he finally said that he was interested in dating me, and going out and doing something with me that didn't involve my friends. So we made a date to watch videos (it's so funny to use that word) at his place two nights later. We have rarely been apart for more than a day since then. So to answer the question did I know right away that we would marry, yes and no. I wasn't even thinking of dating him, but once I did, I knew enough about him that I knew I had met my match. When he asked me to marry him out of the blue a month and a half later(in the midst of a conversation with his sister, no ring, no planning, no thought), I said yes right away but told him not to bring it up again for at least another six months, which he did. We were married a year and a half after our first real date.

3.) If you had the opportunity to do something over, what would it be and why?
I hate to say this, but my wedding. I had a nice fancy big wedding, done the way we wanted it, but in the long run it was really for everyone else there. It was stressful to put together, even though I had almost thirteen months to plan it (Jen, you go girl, planning your wedding this quickly, this well!!) and I spent more money than I would have liked. Knowing what I know now, I would choose to go somewhere warm, and get married on a beach, with whichever of our friends and family who could afford it and wanted to join us - none would be fine too - and then hold a kickass reception at home, something fun but maybe not so fancy.

4.) It is said that no one our age has heros anymore, because there are so few heroic people to choose from. Do you have a hero? If so, who is it and why, and if not, why do you feel we are a hero-less generation?
I truly believe that we really do need heroes, but there are whole generations that have lost touch with what a hero really is. We forget that historically a hero is someone that is good and noble. All too often these days a hero ends up being the richest or hottest (a word that is all too subjective). My heroes are intelligent people, no matter who they are or what their circumstances, who use their intelligence wisely to care for themselves, their families and those around them. My heroes are the people that go out of their way to help others. My heroes are the people that have overcome adverse circumstances in their life and have concentrated on what they have and how they can use it instead of worrying about percieved flaws. My hero is my friend Roxanne, who fought cancer, learned how she needed to live to incorporate her amputation into her life and lives a life of giving to others through her work. My hero is my husband who has taken his disability and used it as a reason to go balls to the wall every day, showing me that I too am worth the time to strive for my goals, and who has created an environment for me to strive for whatever makes me happy. My hero is my highschool teacher Mr. Kozak who strived to make everything he tought relevant to his students, injected music into the lives of those around him and has instilled in his own children the need to give back to their community.

5.) Chocolate or caramel?
Why such seperation of the two? What's with the "or"? I beleive that the word you were looking for is "and"! Preferably in a bar form or drizzeled in coffee or on ice cream. Oooh and on apples too!

So, to quote Jen who quoted Gillian who quoted Frema:

If my answers didn’t put you to sleep, read on to see how you can score your own rockstar interview.

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

And that's it. Hope you enjoy my answers.