Sunday, January 21, 2007

Snarfle, sneeze, snort

So for the third time in a month I am again sick. I am pretty sure that it is the same cold that is just coming back again and again. I guess as far as colds are concerned I am a fun place to return to. Sort of like Cancun. But less sunny and with more phlegm. The first two times it was all head cold, but this time the cold has taken a side trip to my lungs. Uuuggh. So now I lay on my couch dreaming about being healthy and praying that the next time I sneeze it won't feel like the world is about to end. Really I'm not exagerating, it's been a lot of Armageddon sneezes.

I think it's time for my daily lunchtime passout. I'll be back with more phlegm related fun stories once I can convince this cold to evacuate to a less me climate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my receptionist is going through the same thing and she comes into work every week and is sick again and then by the end of the week is a bit better.... All I can say is candied ginger, baby.

5:45 PM  

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