Hip Hoppin

First off might I extend a Happy Fourth of July to our neighbors to the south!! Hope you've had a great holiday.
For those of us north of the 49th, especially those in Vancouver it had to be one of the best Canada Day long weekends. It was hot, sunny and absolutely fabulous.
Went to a BBQ at the biscotti's in law on Sunday. Well actually it wasn't a BBQ. It was us eating a turkey buffet - with the prerequisite pasta dish - outside. Par for the course. We must be the only family that doesn't do turkey for Christmas, and usually carves the Christmas Lasagne. Get my side of the family involved and it usually involves some form of fried rice and turkey stir fry! Really. I shit you not!

While enjoying my lactose laden birdie on a plate I got into a discussion with my brother-in-law about the rebirth of the VW Rabbit. We seem to have one major difference of opinion. He thinks it is a cool car....I think it is a chick car. Yes it is fuel efficient and cute, but this is a car that is really only made for chicks and pizza delivery boys. He doesn't seem to agree with me and then decided to take a shot at the fact that our family car is a Honda - four door SE in black, not a chick car!!! I then had to point out to him that he has owned no less than five Hondas over the last ten years and most of them were less manly than our current vehicle. Some days I am really happy that my mom and dad decided to stop with me. I just don't understand siblings some times. Its not like he's going to go out and buy a Rabbit. His taste in cars has been leaning to the larger, not the smaller over the years. But apparently he found a need to defend the Rabbit against my baseless (do a survey of owners and I guarantee that at least 75% of them are either chicks, pizza delivery boys or porn producers that produced "The Pizza Boy came knocking" type porns) attack.
On another note, congrats to Team Italy for taking out Germany in the World Cup today!!! I am excited to see the outcome of tomorrows game so I know whether it will be France or Portugal that Italy takes for the ride of their lives! Viva Italia!!!!
So... I was totally going to post about this - the draft is already started. As a former Rabbit owner, I can't even begin to describe to you how STOKED I am that they have brought back the Rabbit. Buni got me everywhere - it was the ultimate little off road vehicle and went places trucks couldn't go. Do not underestimate the power of the Rabbit. I want one of these like there is no tomorrow.
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