Sailing on the Friend Ship
Since I got involved with blogging, I seem to also be getting sucked into all that is cyberspace. And like every other person that gets sucked in, I have ended up on MySpace, creating my own little page, with cute colours and pictures and bunches of stupid little information about me. What the heck was I thinking?
I am finding that for me, MySpace has turned into a place to look up old friends. These friends are considered “old” for a number of reasons. Some of them I have gone to school with and just haven’t seen in 10 or 20 years. Others I fell out of touch with for whatever reason. I do have another category of “old friends” that I look up out of sheer curiosity. These are the friends that have “fallen off”. So while I happily send ADD FRIENDS requests to just about everyone I haven’t seen in forever, it is those that have “fallen off” that I am trying to decide if it is worth the possible trauma to try and reconnect with. Doesn’t seem to be that hard of a decision to stick one’s hand out there as an extension of past friendships, but you need to know a little of my back story to understand.
I have always been a bit of a social creature, even though I am what psychologists would refer to as an introvert. I like having friends and meeting new people. It just took me a long time to realize that if I attempted to spend too much time around other people that my psyche couldn’t take it, and that I really needed some downtime in my social schedule, otherwise I start acting out. And most of the time, the people on the receiving end of my anti-social behaviour were my friends. It made me very controlling of social situations, and I can admit I was probably a pain in the ass to be around. Unfortunately most of the friends that I made between the ages of 17 and 23 were very bad at confrontation, so instead of advising me that I was being a hag, they just stopped calling or whatever.
When I was 18, my choice to dump my boyfriend of the time (to whom my friends of the time were intricately entwined) and date another guy amongst this group of friends was met with a reaction akin to that of a terrorist in the White House. Two of my oldest friends that I had gone to school with for years (and whose ties to the group had originated with me) were quickly dispatched to my home to tell me what I had done wrong (forcing the guys to possibly break the “guy code”). Okay, so maybe getting involved with two friends, one after the other, wasn’t such a great idea. A concept better broached with a 30+ woman who has now had some life experience, but not with an 18 year old who really only cared that she was allowed to date whomever she wanted. From that group I was immediately (though not completely in the long term) shunned. A few years down the road, I reconnected with some of these people, all was forgotten and we have all since moved on with our lives (all be it separately).
Then a few years later I was immersed in another group of friends, some of which were friends I had known from highschool. After hanging with these people for a long while, and after I had found myself very unhappy with the relationship I was in, the boyfriend I had been living with for the previous four years and I decided to part ways. As cleanly as we broke up, it wasn’t amicable for very long. I found out about his cheating ways, hours after we broke up, and from the people who were supposedly my friends (I had know these people since the 9th grade whereas he had known them for two years). Thanks for the heads up guys! Having a hugely sucky relationship with my parents at the time I naturally fell back on my friends in hopes that they would console me through the trauma of this breakup. All was fine until the girl I had known the longest, without any prompting from me, came up to me the day after the break up and in the snottiest possible voice said “Sorry you guys broke up, but if you make us choose between you and him, we’ll choose him!” Needless to say, I was in shock. First of all, who the hell was she to speak for all of our friends? Secondly, when had I even had time to open my mouth and ask them to back me up? I never did, and I had no intention of doing so. I told her right then and there, that I would never ask anyone to choose, that they had every right to maintain whatever relationship they had developed with him and that all I was hoping for was a little support from my friends. No…couldn’t even get that. I was summarily told, they didn’t want to listen to any of my whining (again, who are you speaking for?) and to just not talk about him or the breakup until I was over it. Luckily, my best friend at the time took one look at “longest known friend” and told her to shove it, that my true friends would take care of me without their help, and the four loyalist of my friends got me out of there, told them to screw off and we spent considerably less hanging out with these people until we all be lost touch with most of them. I heard that eventually some of the people ended up as roommates with my ex, and that the girl who had decided she didn’t want to choose, had really chosen him to begin with when she fell for him months before we had broken up. Luckily for her, she wasn’t the person he had been seeing behind my back, otherwise I may have actually committed a felony and assaulted the crap out of her. As it was, the girl he was seeing, I had introduced him to as she was a past girlfriend of one of my loyal friends. God just reading this makes me thankful that I have moved away from all that drama. Losing two sets of friends (people that I spent all my waking moments with) in a five year time period, really did a number on my ability to trust people and on my ego. It was in a word, traumatic.
Long story, even longer, I have been wondering how some of these people are doing. They are my past, but I am still curious to see how their lives have turned out. I recently sent and “Add Friends” request to one of the people I thought was more prone to want to communicate with me, and my request was denied. I didn’t think that would make me sad, but it did. I now don’t know whether to bother at all to extend a hand to the rest of the people I have found. It won’t kill me if I get denied at every turn, but do I really want to put myself and my fragile ego through that? It would be sad to think that these people can’t get past things that happened over ten years ago. I would hope that we had all grown up and changed. However I now have a great group of friends that have enough mettle to tell me when I am being a pain, without being afraid of me and I really don’t have a good reason to contact any of these people except for curiosity. I don’t know, maybe I have answered my own question. Anyone else out there curious about old “friends” but unsure about whether to proceed?
I am finding that for me, MySpace has turned into a place to look up old friends. These friends are considered “old” for a number of reasons. Some of them I have gone to school with and just haven’t seen in 10 or 20 years. Others I fell out of touch with for whatever reason. I do have another category of “old friends” that I look up out of sheer curiosity. These are the friends that have “fallen off”. So while I happily send ADD FRIENDS requests to just about everyone I haven’t seen in forever, it is those that have “fallen off” that I am trying to decide if it is worth the possible trauma to try and reconnect with. Doesn’t seem to be that hard of a decision to stick one’s hand out there as an extension of past friendships, but you need to know a little of my back story to understand.
I have always been a bit of a social creature, even though I am what psychologists would refer to as an introvert. I like having friends and meeting new people. It just took me a long time to realize that if I attempted to spend too much time around other people that my psyche couldn’t take it, and that I really needed some downtime in my social schedule, otherwise I start acting out. And most of the time, the people on the receiving end of my anti-social behaviour were my friends. It made me very controlling of social situations, and I can admit I was probably a pain in the ass to be around. Unfortunately most of the friends that I made between the ages of 17 and 23 were very bad at confrontation, so instead of advising me that I was being a hag, they just stopped calling or whatever.
When I was 18, my choice to dump my boyfriend of the time (to whom my friends of the time were intricately entwined) and date another guy amongst this group of friends was met with a reaction akin to that of a terrorist in the White House. Two of my oldest friends that I had gone to school with for years (and whose ties to the group had originated with me) were quickly dispatched to my home to tell me what I had done wrong (forcing the guys to possibly break the “guy code”). Okay, so maybe getting involved with two friends, one after the other, wasn’t such a great idea. A concept better broached with a 30+ woman who has now had some life experience, but not with an 18 year old who really only cared that she was allowed to date whomever she wanted. From that group I was immediately (though not completely in the long term) shunned. A few years down the road, I reconnected with some of these people, all was forgotten and we have all since moved on with our lives (all be it separately).
Then a few years later I was immersed in another group of friends, some of which were friends I had known from highschool. After hanging with these people for a long while, and after I had found myself very unhappy with the relationship I was in, the boyfriend I had been living with for the previous four years and I decided to part ways. As cleanly as we broke up, it wasn’t amicable for very long. I found out about his cheating ways, hours after we broke up, and from the people who were supposedly my friends (I had know these people since the 9th grade whereas he had known them for two years). Thanks for the heads up guys! Having a hugely sucky relationship with my parents at the time I naturally fell back on my friends in hopes that they would console me through the trauma of this breakup. All was fine until the girl I had known the longest, without any prompting from me, came up to me the day after the break up and in the snottiest possible voice said “Sorry you guys broke up, but if you make us choose between you and him, we’ll choose him!” Needless to say, I was in shock. First of all, who the hell was she to speak for all of our friends? Secondly, when had I even had time to open my mouth and ask them to back me up? I never did, and I had no intention of doing so. I told her right then and there, that I would never ask anyone to choose, that they had every right to maintain whatever relationship they had developed with him and that all I was hoping for was a little support from my friends. No…couldn’t even get that. I was summarily told, they didn’t want to listen to any of my whining (again, who are you speaking for?) and to just not talk about him or the breakup until I was over it. Luckily, my best friend at the time took one look at “longest known friend” and told her to shove it, that my true friends would take care of me without their help, and the four loyalist of my friends got me out of there, told them to screw off and we spent considerably less hanging out with these people until we all be lost touch with most of them. I heard that eventually some of the people ended up as roommates with my ex, and that the girl who had decided she didn’t want to choose, had really chosen him to begin with when she fell for him months before we had broken up. Luckily for her, she wasn’t the person he had been seeing behind my back, otherwise I may have actually committed a felony and assaulted the crap out of her. As it was, the girl he was seeing, I had introduced him to as she was a past girlfriend of one of my loyal friends. God just reading this makes me thankful that I have moved away from all that drama. Losing two sets of friends (people that I spent all my waking moments with) in a five year time period, really did a number on my ability to trust people and on my ego. It was in a word, traumatic.
Long story, even longer, I have been wondering how some of these people are doing. They are my past, but I am still curious to see how their lives have turned out. I recently sent and “Add Friends” request to one of the people I thought was more prone to want to communicate with me, and my request was denied. I didn’t think that would make me sad, but it did. I now don’t know whether to bother at all to extend a hand to the rest of the people I have found. It won’t kill me if I get denied at every turn, but do I really want to put myself and my fragile ego through that? It would be sad to think that these people can’t get past things that happened over ten years ago. I would hope that we had all grown up and changed. However I now have a great group of friends that have enough mettle to tell me when I am being a pain, without being afraid of me and I really don’t have a good reason to contact any of these people except for curiosity. I don’t know, maybe I have answered my own question. Anyone else out there curious about old “friends” but unsure about whether to proceed?